Headquarters Address via Rivo Fontanelle n.174 / 47892 Acquaviva (RSM)
Phone / Fax (0039) 0547 51077 Mobile / Sms (0039) 335 6141846
Od 29. března do 2. dubna 2018 v BARCELONĚ
Co je to “Barcelona Dance Award 2018″?
Soutěž, která se stala největší a nejdůležitější taneční událostí v Evropě! Je rozdělena do různých kategorií, které oceňují nejlepší skupiny, talenty, choreografy a učitele.
Porota složená z mezinárodních odborníků, kritiků a zástupců z prestižních tanečních organizací bude hodnotit školy, či jednotlivé tanečníky.
Proč se účastnit?
Tato činnost rozvíjí kulturní povědomí skrze tanec, který je univerzálním jazykem a pomáhá rozvíjet přátelství, solidaritu, respekt a porozumění.
Organizace se sídlem v Itálii a Španělsku tvrdě pracovaly na tom, aby připravily „Barcelona Dance Award 2018“, přinášející všechny formy tance. Barcelona Dance Award zaručuje perfektní služby, profesionální management a krásný zážitek.
Zúčasnit se může každý, organizace se sídlem ve Španělsku připravila atraktivní program po celou dobu pobytu. Nejen, že si zatančíte v ‚hlavním městě evropské kultury‘, ale kromě představení v různých divadlech budete mít také možnost poznat krásnou Barcelonu a pobřeží Costa Brava.
Nenechte si ujít.
Dobry den Prague dancers!
Here all the info on BARCELONA DANCE AWARD 2018, in attach the official item and we are at your disposal for any further question in any moment: don’t hesitate to contact us!
We confirm the opportunity to get a priority on registration and to activate the director discount option for a 50% discount, or completely free on the fee, for the group leader, when group registered!
The application will be closed as soon as it reaches maximum number.
By participating in our events you will dance in Theaters specialized in dance activities, with all the prerequisites for Your artistic success.
All the Theaters, which will host the contest, have spacious dressing rooms with mirrors, practice rooms and warming up spaces before the performances with dance bars.
On the acting area there will be professional light and audio systems, support technicians and qualified personnel, curtains, dance carpet, wings, black box, cyclorama backdrops and large spaces for your performances!
Here all the details regarding dance floor:
– stage totally flat;
– dimensions = 13 mts (frontage) X 11 mts (depth);
– 4 wings per side;
– backstage passage side to side;
– Both sides of the stage (right and left) can be used to get in and out;
We are a Cultural Organization and not a show agency, we plan these event to book the hotels, theatres, transports in the festival location and each other ! and every participant pays the FEE to us!
Your dance group will be welcome in our events and we will study your dance scenario as soon as your details will be received (usually the groups will perform in two or three different evening shows).
Once your group will decide to participate, we will agree with you all the Artistic Details, such as rehearsal time, dance pieces time length, ettc…
we have a „many years experience“ to plan WorlDancEvent in Europe with „overseas group participants“: YOU WILL FIND ALL INFO ABOUT THE FEE OF PARTICIPATION ON THE WEB SITE!
Awaiting your news to book the best hotel locations for your group and to plan your perfect „Dance Scenario“ in the theatrical rough draft, please let us know the composition of your group and each other info.
After your news we will study your hotel rooming list and we will plan the days of your dance performs: you will receive an exact estimate of the fee of participation (all comprehensive!), the pro forma invoice and the letter of invitation to your possible donors.
The dates for next BARCELONA DANCE AWARD 2018 will be on
the EASTERTIME, from 29 march to 2 APRIL, in BARCELONA.
Airports meeting point are BARCELONA EL PRAT (BCN)
Barcelona Dance Award 2018 REGISTRATION:
Name of participating group.
Street: ____________________________________________
City: ______________________________________________
Zip: _______________________________________________
Telephone: _________________________________________
E-mail: ____________________________________________
The School will participate in the Festival with the following number of persons (dancers and non): _____
Director of the participating School
Name: ____________________________________________
Last Name: ________________________________________
Address: __________________________________________
Telephone: ________________________________________
FAX: _____________________________________________
Info for Registration:
1.- The Group Composition (to pass to Spanish Agency for hotel reservation).
Please let us know the composition of your group (how many dancers, chaperones, managers etc…) divided in the rooming list to book for your group into the *** hotel where you will stay during the Festival.
2.- The Trip (to pass to Spanish Agency for transports set up). .
Please let us know the air fair dates to for the transport organisation.
Airport meeting point: Barcelona El Prat de Llobregat (BCN).
3.- The Art. Schedule.
Please fill in the Artistic Schedule Form and we will apply your choreographies on the official book.
Art. Schedule (to be filled in the form for each dance piece in Competition):
AGE of DANCERS (average age):
March 29th – thursday
Expected Arrival in Spain, settlement in Hotel (after 1.00 pm).
Theatrical Activities for the dance groups.
March 30th – friday
08.00 am Breakfast in hotel.
Theatrical activities or free day – according to the group’s theatrical program.
The program will be definitive after the registration.
March 31th – saturday
08.00 am Breakfast in hotel.
Theatrical activities or free day – according to the group’s theatrical program.
The program will be definitive after the registration.
APRIL 1st – (Easter Sunday)
08.00 am Breakfast in hotel.
Theatrical activities for the dance groups.
Awarding Ceremony.
APRIL 2nd – monday
08.00 am Breakfast in hotel.
Participation fee in Barcelona Dance Award 2018:
The „fee“ is 519 EUR For each person participant
(one free on the fee every 20 participant in a group!)
Parents registered in the group will have a 20% discount on participation fee.
The participation fee includes:
1- Artistic Participation in BARCELONA DANCE AWARD 2018.
2- Four nights accommodation in three stars Hotel.
3- Full board (3 meals per day) and beverages included: as a Theatre tournée, dinners will be served at the end of the Shows, in restaurants near the Theatre.
4- Assistance of festival managers in the Theatres.
5- Reserved seats on the theatres during the Shows.
6- Transport organisation from BARCELONA or GERONA Airport to Hotel locations.
* to book accommodation on four stars hotel, there will be an additional charge on the fee of 80 eur per person (599 eur).
If needed, it’s possible to plan additional days BEFORE March 29th on the same hotel and rooms at disposal during the Festival.
AWARD EUROPE SRL is a CULTURAL ORGANISATION which works in Europe from 1998 to plan Dance Events involving more than 1500 dancers every year.
The dancers involved right now, in all these years, are in total about 27500.
DANCE and THEATRE are the keywords in the wonderful experience of all these years and the guideline for the future will be always the incredible opportunity to compete in the LARGEST DANCE EVENTS in the World within teachers, choreographers, dancers and dance lovers from all over the World!
What About Last Edition?
Here some data regarding the last edition of the Event, in 2017:
29 dance groups participants,
4 Continents and 15 different Countries represented,
220 dance choreographies in Competition,
14 hours of Dance Competition in
4 Evening Shows,
800 dancers and dance lovers participants,
2 different Theatres,
Všechny Vaše dotazy můžete také psát na mail info@tanecnimagazin.cz. Odpovědi rádi zprostředkujeme.
Taneční magazín