Jeden komentář u “a”

  1. Review by Mike J. Dolan for Rating: You offered FREE SHIPPING and an ecellxent price for these blank DVDs, which I have already been using for more than a year, and are in my opinion the BEST DVDs on the market! But you failed on the packaging! Your warehouse people put the heavy spindle pack of 100 disks into a box that didn’t match the shape, then padded it with lightweight, vulnerable air bags. First thing that happened during shipping was that the spindle pack, rolling back and forth inside the box, burst all four air bags, leaving only a few small empty plastic envelopes in an otherwise empty carton, with the spindle pack still rolling back and forth, or bouncing up and down. Miraculously, none of the blank DVDs was damaged during their wild ride. I not only recommend, but URGE your shipping people to use WADDED PAPER instead of these air bags for such heavy objects!!!

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