2. kolo castingu

Hledáme tanečníky

Casting VIRGIN 


Hledáme etnika

Hledáme TANEČNÍKY A TANEČNICE různého stylu a zaměření – muže a ženy, POUZE ETNIKA , různorodého vzhledu a postav, věk od 18let – cca 55let

Balíčková cena:

za dva dny natáčení (12 hod denně), dva dny zkoušek( 6 hodin denně) na osobu: 32.000 CZK + 20% ag.fee


Casting se koná ve st 18.10.2017 mezi 10:00 – 15:00, Stopcasting, Peckova 5, Praha 8.

Předpokládaný termín natáčení:  26. – 28.10.2017 ,   rezerva: 30.10.2017


Callback je plánován na pa 20.10.2017

Kostýmní zkouška: 23.10.2017

Choreografická zk. 24.10 – 25.10.2017



Na casting, prosím, s sebou oblečení umožňující pohyb, vhodnou obuv a hudbu na usb – budeme chtít videt váš vlastní “ freestyle“.


Užití : 1 rok UK a Irsko

Principal Media is 12 months from first use. Secondary Media may be used by Client and Agency in perpetuity.

Principal media:  All forms of audio-visual media and communications including without limitation, all forms of television broadcast, cinema, all manner of online and digital media, mobile, in store, OOH including transport advertising, and any and all electronic media whether now or hereafter invented without


Secondary media: All forms of PR, editorial (across print, broadcast, Internet and events), show reels, internal communications, education and training, programme editorial, film festivals, trade fairs, exhibitions and the like without exception and BBH and Client’s websites (to include BBH and Client controlled and branded web

pages), group company websites and intranets. All BBH and production contributors promotion including awards ceremonies, associated websites and DVDs, show reels and digital archive systems.


Principal media: případné prodloužení o 1 rok stejná média: 20.000 CZK +20%



Option to extend use of the Artist Image in still format for use in all forms of Print and Electronic media advertising including without limitation, magazines, press, billboards, OOH including transport advertising and all forms of online and digital media in all layouts and sizes in the Initial

Territory, for a period of 12 months (“Option Print Media”) upon payment of an additional fee of CZK 3.000 CZK + 20%

případné prodloužení print media +10%

 M.Síbová, Stopcasting

Taneční magazín